As November moves along and the days get shorter and shorter, the lack of daylight doesn’t mean a lack of things in your schedule… in fact, quite the opposite! Oftentimes, our calendars get so full around the holidays that we overlook things we really should stay on top of. When things get neglected, that’s when issues develop and disaster strikes. The holiday season may be the worst time for these unwanted interruptions because your agenda is already full with things that need to be done!
Sometimes all it takes is a friendly reminder or helpful mnemonic to help you remember those things that are easy to forget.
A mne-whatdidyoujustsay?!?
A mnemonic!
A mnemonic, also referred to as a memory aid, is a technique that uses a pattern of letters, numbers, or relevant associations to help you remember a thought or phrase. Just in time for turkey-day, Heiland Home Services wants to utilize the upcoming holidays to help you remember your home’s plumbing needs. When you see these important dates circled on the calendar, let that be a reminder of our helpful tips:
Thanksgiving: Here’s a tip you’ll thank us for later: don’t put that wishbone (or any bones for that matter) down the garbage disposal! The tradition of facing off against a loved one to see who comes away with the bigger half (and the wish that comes with it) has been practiced for years. Whether you end up being the winner or loser of the wishbone challenge, you’ll most certainly be the loser if those bone fragments clog your pipes or damage the disposal. Bone fragments should always be dumped in the trash or used in your compost pile. Bones can easily break your disposal’s blades or motor and, even if you get lucky and they do pass through, they do not break down enough to flow through your pipes. If we had our wish, none of our customers would make this costly mistake this Thanksgiving!
Black Friday: It is commonly believed that the name “Black Friday” comes from the idea that companies are “in the red,” or operating at a loss, until the day after Thanksgiving, when huge sales enable them to generate a profit, or put them “in the black.” Perhaps you have been keeping an eye on your favorite retailer’s ads to score that amazing deal you’ve been waiting for? As you search out those can’t miss deals, remember this one home plumbing disaster you don’t want to deal with this year: frozen hose bibs! If you’ve arrived at Black Friday without draining your home’s outdoor hoses and winterizing your hose bibs, there is no time like the present! Do yourself a favor and avoid those huge lines at Walmart or Target and utilize the day after Thanksgiving to take care of this important piece of winter home maintenance instead. Trust us, you’ll save more money by avoiding a spring service call for a leaking pipe than you could ever dream of saving on that new iPad or Xbox! Unsure how to winterize? Check out our blog on winterizing your hose bibs today!
Small Business Saturday: Small Business Saturday is a day to celebrate and support local entrepreneurs and all they do for the community. Small businesses truly care about their customers and their communities, and we’re all for supporting the businesses of our friends and neighbors! Speaking of small businesses, here’s a tip that’s a no brainer: pull out your iPhone and program the number for your favorite small business, Heiland Home Services, into your contacts! That way when you need us… we’re there, with our lengthy history of serving the plumbing needs of Bucks and Montgomery Counties. Thanks again for your trust and support!
Christmas: The lights. The presents. The mistletoe. Celebrating the birth of a Savior. Fruit cake. (Ok, fine. Skip the fruitcake. 🤮) Who doesn’t love Christmas? But what does Christmas have to do with plumbing? And how can Christmas remind us of our home’s plumbing needs? Well… who’s everyone’s favorite pudgy gift-bearer? Santa! Every time you imagine Santa Claus squeezing his not-so-slim frame down a chimney, picture all the things you should NEVER flush down the toilet lodging themselves in your home’s plumbing! It’s goofy, I know, but we bet you won’t be able to get that image out of your head for days! 🤣 (That’s fitting, because without a service call you won’t be able to get those nasty clogs out of your home’s plumbing system either!) What are some examples of things you shouldn’t flush down the toilet? Food scraps, gum, feminine hygiene products, cotton balls, cooking grease, and even hair can wreak havoc on your home’s plumbing. Human waste and toilet paper are all that should ever be flushed down the toilet. Keep this handy tip in mind when you’re tempted to flush your slice of Aunt Suzy’s nasty fruit cake down the toilet to avoid having to force it down your throat!
New Year’s Eve: Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and the days of auld lang syne? New Year’s Eve is often a blast. Perhaps you have plans to stay up late and gather with friends. Maybe you’ll go to a party, or watch the ball drop. (Make sure you make wise decisions when it comes to what you consume on New Years Eve or you may be getting a closer look at the porcelain dome than we plumbers have the pleasure of getting!) New Year’s is not only a great excuse to get together with friends and party, it’s also a great time to make New Year’s resolutions and plan for the future. While you’re making those plans for the new year, keep your home’s maintenance in mind as well! Water heaters need to be flushed yearly, valves on your toilets, kitchen sinks, and vanities should be exercised, tankless water heaters need to be descaled, and water treatment systems should receive a maintenance checkup every quarter. (Just to name a few!) Get a jump on the resolution to keep your home in tip-top shape by calling us to schedule your water treatment and tankless water heater maintenance today!
Hopefully these friendly reminders help keep your home’s plumbing needs in the front of your mind this holiday season, but what we really hope you remember is that Heiland Home Services cares. Each and every one of our customers is so much more than a client. You’re our neighbors. Our friends. And we don’t want you to just be a customer—we want you to feel like family. This holiday season, we sincerely wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holidays! No matter what plumbing needs come your way, know that it’s our goal to be your “go-to” for all your plumbing needs. We’re here for you, just a phone call away!